Oh, hello!

Hi, I'm Sarah.  Enchanté!  

I'm really glad you're here.  Seriously, thank you for stopping by.  In case you don't know me in what they call, "real life", please allow me to introduce myself.  I'm a man of wealth and taste . . . I mean . . .

I am an unabashed fan of rain; slip-on shoes; tennis; my kitties; laughing; surprises; board games; embroidery, crochet, sewing and doodling; cheese; clever people; communicating; blowing bubbles; books; hazelnuts; dahlias, peonies, and ranunculi; making lists; my friends + family; thrift stores; traveling; pastries; catching matinees; rainbows; running; alliteration; conducting countdowns; museums; modern art; musicals; fireworks; photography; painted nails; bubble tea; letterboxing; and improving. 

I also enjoy sharing quirky capers, recommendations of all sorts, warm beverages, cold beverages, room temperature beverages, and laughter with others.  I'd like to learn how to sing for realsies, to speak German and French, to sew clothing, and how to cultivate fruits and vegetables.

If you also like any of the above, I think that's swell.  Let's be friends.

You should also meet Ben, my partner in whatever the opposite of crime is (see #1). He's been my favorite since the day he read The Arrival to me.

If you'd like to send me a message, please drop an e-line to: wehope4more@gmail.com.

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