Thursday, March 29, 2012

Rainy Day Comfort Food

My most cherished comfort food, no matter the weather or season, is a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup.  Imagine my delight when I discovered a recipe that merges the flavors of each into one sandwich.  

I intended to make that tasty sandwich and attest to its awesomeness here.  Alas, I got lazy.  Or more precisely: hungry.  I didn't have time to roast tomatoes for 15 minutes, people.  I opted for a shortcut version, which was tasty, but I'm sure doesn't compare.  I am content, however, that this (↑) was in my belly in under five minutes.   

Shortcut version:
  • Slice a tomato.  Salt and pepper the slices.   
  • Spread some fancy stone ground mustard on slices of whole wheat sourdough.  
  • Slice* enough cheddar to cover the bread.  Arrange cheddar slices on the bread.  Grind some pepper on the cheese, as well.  Trust. 
  • Place the tomato slices on top of the cheese, and pop the concoction in the toaster oven for a few minutes.  
  • Voilà!  Open-faced grilled cheese + tomato sandwiches for the impatient/famished.

*This post brought to you by the word, slice.

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