Friday, March 30, 2012

Craft the Rain Away

Weather reports predict more rain this weekend in my neck of the woods.  More rain = more indoor time.  More indoor time = nonstop craft-fest (okay, maybe not nonstop, like, I'm sure I'll pause to feed my cats now and then. And should you concur with my transitive relation re: rain + craft time, you are welcome to take snack breaks, of course.).  So, I browsed ye olde world wide web in search of fun, rain-related projects to share with you.  Behold:

Bust out your scissors and electrical tape to create a mural with brightly colored construction paper, then admire your relaxing rainstorm like Color Me Katie.  If the outdoors aren't currently cooperating, might I suggest this soothing sound accompaniment?

If you'd rather create more dainty wall art, try your hand at embroidery.  Take inspiration from Katrien of pilli pilli.  Aren't her cloudy creations delightful?  I love the simplicity, and how they feel simultaneously modern and traditional.  I know the third piece depicts snowflakes, not rain drops, but it's so pretty, I just had to show you.  (Onetwo, three.)

Feel like channeling your inner Calder?  There are some darn sweet tutorials for cloudy/rain-inspired mobiles online.  Granted, the instructions for the one above (available here) are in French, but I'm sure someone with your smarts, and a little help from Google Translate, would make it work.  Other options:

Happy Raincloud Mobile

Or, if you'd prefer to pretend you're a Project Runway hopeful, alter some t-shirts using homemade appliques or bleach.  (I'm certain you could work wonders with a bleach pen if you'd rather "draw" than "paint".)

If you complete any of the above projects, you deserve to treat yourself.  This charming crocheted brooch would be a perfect reminder of your rainy day crafting—like a grown up Girl Scouts merit badge.  Be prepared (for people to compliment your uncommon ability to accessorize)!

1 comment:

  1. This is perfect <3
